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Harold Wilson - The Final Days (Original title)
Date: 15 August 1996 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Simon Berthon

Synopsis: In March 1976 Harold Wilson resigned. Rumours circulated that he had been involved with the KGB and blacklisted by the CIA. With evidence from some of the prominent `insiders' of the period the programme reveals the results of James Callaghan's unoffical inquiry into allegations of security service `plotting' and provides a verdict on the true nature and extent of the M15 plot against Wilson.


Labour Party

Series title:
Secret History
TV Transmissions
Date: 15 August 1996Broadcast company: Channel FourCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 21:00-22:00Runtime: 51 mins Network - Language: English - Colour and Black and White - Sound

Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(2)
Digital materials(1)
Description: AS-11 UK DPP SD - MXF OP1aDuration: 00:51:21 minutesD10 - BFI identifier: N-651809
Status: Master

Video materials(1)
Description: D3Duration: 51.21 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALTX date: 1996-08-15BFI identifier: C-890581
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved videotape