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Peace Exploded (Original title)
Date: 28 October 1993 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Synopsis: On 23rd October 1993 in the Shankhill Road, Belfast ten people (including the bomber himself) were killed when a bomb was placed in Frizzell's fish shop, above which the IRA believed a meeting of UDA officials was taking place. Gerry Adama, President of Sinn Fein, boasts he could stop the violence as soon as the government agrees to talks. Gerry Adams'action in being a coffin-bearer at the funeral of Thomas Begley, the bomber, has destroyed any chance of talks taking place.

The Troubles, Terrorist acts

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 28 October 1993Broadcast company: ITVCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 19:30-20:00Runtime: 25 mins Network - Language: English - Colour - Sound