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The Child and the Killer (Original title)
Date: 30 March 1959 (Release)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Max Varnel

Synopsis: Imaginative lad unwittingly aids US Army deserter and killer but US Captain who loves the lad's widowed mother finally kills the deserter who is threatening the lives of the boy and his mother.

Articles held in BFI Reuben Library (4)
In: Film Index n30 1974  Page: 102
Title: [Film Index - n30 1974: no known title]Language: English

In: The Daily Cinema n8122 25 Feb 1959  Page: 3
Title: [The Daily Cinema - n8122 25 Feb 1959: no known title]Language: English

In: Monthly Film Bulletin v26 n303 April 1959  Page: 45
Title: [Monthly Film Bulletin - v26 n303 April 1959: no known title]Language: English

In:   Page: 18
Title: [ - : no known title]