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Hitler, Stalin and Mr Jones (Original title)
Date: 05 July 2012 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: George Carey

Synopsis: An investigation into the death of Welsh journalist, Gareth Jones, who in 1930s exposed the death by starvation of millions of people in the Ukraine as a result from Stalin's Five Year plan. George Carey, using Gareth's correspondence and diaries retraces, his journey to post-revolutionary Russia on leaving Cambridge which included a journey to the countryside to visit a collective. Gareth Jones, through his gift for languages, his employment with David Lloyd George (referred to as the Chief), he became known as an expert on Soviet Russia and introduced him to the rich and powerful. Gareth was asked to gather information on Russia. On a trip to Germany Gareth met Geobbels and travelled on an airplane with Hitler's entourage. A trip to Moscow in 1933, with the assistance of the Foreign Office, supposedly to visit a tractor factory, was in reality a mission to gather evidence of the famine, and then on to the tractor factory. Travelling on to Berlin, Gareth Jones then held a press conference and disclosed his findings on the famine in the Ukraine. The story was later buried and Gareth Jones was cast out. A trip to Mongolia was planned to relaunch his career and he joined a group led by Baron von Plessen and Dr Mueller travelling to Mongolia. After the departure of Baron von Plessen at Kalgan, Jones and Mueller, with the remainder of the group, travelled on further where they encountered Japanese officials. Asked to leave the area they were instructed to head along a road known for bandits. At a village along the route they were caputured by bandits and a ransom was demanded. Mueller and the staff were released. Gareth Jones was later killed. Gareth Jones's great nephew, joins George Carey on the journey in China to investigate his capture and murder by Chinese bandits. Official papers at the Public Record Office unearthed by Gareth Jones's niece, Siriol Colley, revealed suspicions of Japanese foul play. Her son Nigel discovered alarming information from British Intelligence on Dr Mueller as a possible double-agent and suspicions of others in the party connected to soviet military intelligence.


Journalists, Ukraine, Stalin, Josef (1879-1953), Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945), Third Reich, USSR, Mongolia, Japanese army, Bandits

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 05 July 2012Broadcast channel: BBC FourCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 21:00-22:20Digital Terrestrial - Colour - Sound

Credits (10)
Production Company: Tinopolis, [Produced] For: BBC, for BBC: Nick Fraser, Kate Townsend, for Tinopolis: Angharad Mair, Producer: Teresa Cherfas, Written by: George Carey, Filmed by: George Carey, Editor: Stefan Ronowicz
Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(2)
Accessible materials to view(1)
Description: MP4TX date: 2012-07-05BFI identifier: N-40087
Status: Viewing - Digital file is accessible to view within BFI

Digital materials(2)
Description: 50IDuration: 01:21:00 minutesD10 - TX date: 2012-07-05BFI identifier: N-40086
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Description: MP4TX date: 2012-07-05BFI identifier: N-40087
Status: Viewing - Digital file is accessible to view within BFI