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Life for Louise (Original title)
Date: 31 October 1997 (Television)

Synopsis: An interview with the parents of Louise Woodward, the British teenager who had been working as a nanny in the United States and had just received a life sentence on the day of broadcast for the first degree murder of the baby in her charge. The sentence was overruled on 10 November by the judge and commuted to manslaughter.

Woodward, Louise

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 31 October 1997Broadcast channel: ITVCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 20:30-21:00Runtime: 24 mins Network - Language: English - Colour - Sound

Credits (2)
Production Company: Twenty Twenty Television, Commissioning Company: Carlton UK Productions
Cast (1)
Dermot Murnaghan ()
Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(2)
Digital materials(1)
Description: MOVDuration: 00:24:11 minutesV210 - BFI identifier: N-3656780
Status: Master

Video materials(1)
Description: D3Duration: 24.09 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALTX date: 1997-10-31BFI identifier: C-958835
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved videotape