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Ladies in Charge (Original title)Storyboard (Alternative title)
Date: 27 August 1985 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: John Davies

Synopsis: Period drama. Play about three women who attempt to set up a "universal aunts" agency. Set in the 1920's.Synopsis: Second of two one-off dramas about Diana, Babs and Polly who drove ambulances together during World War I where they found excitement and a sense of purpose. Now, in the 1920s, they are determined not to stagnate.


Series title:
TV Transmissions
Date: 27 August 1985Broadcast company: Thames TelevisionCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 21:05-22:05Slot duration: 60 minsNetwork - Colour

Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(4)
Digital materials(1)
Description: MKVDuration: 00:52:03 minutesBFI identifier: N-9396082
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Video materials(3)
Description: VHS cassetteDuration: 51.32 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALTX date: 1985-08-27BFI identifier: C-88003
Status: Status pending - Material requires inspection to determine preservation or access status

Description: 1-inch C-FormatDuration: 51.32 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALTX date: 1985-08-27BFI identifier: C-511145
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved videotape

Description: Digital BetacamDuration: 52.03 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALBFI identifier: C-1401690
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved videotape