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Henry VI Part Two (Original title)The Second Part of Henry VI (Alternative title)
Date: 09 January 1983 (Television)

Countries: United Kingdom, USA

Director: Jane Howell

Synopsis: Television production of Shakespeare's play

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 09 January 1983Broadcast channel: BBC2Country: United KingdomTransmission time: 19:15-22:55Runtime: 210 mins Network - Colour - Sound
Date: 09 January 1983not specified

Articles held in BFI Reuben Library (2)
In: Literature/Film Quarterly v20 n4 1992  Pages: 326-331
Title: Jane Howell's BBC First Tetralogy: Theatrical and Televis...Author: COOK, Hardy M. Article type: ArticleLanguage: English
Description: Assesses director Jane Howell's achievements in her 1983 productions of HERNRY VI, parts 1,2, and 3, and RICHARD III. In an issue devoted to Shakespeare on film and television.

In: British National Film and Video Catalogue v22 1984
Title: [British National Film & Video Catalogue - v22 1984: no known title]Language: English

Books held in BFI Reuben Library (2)
Title: Henry VI part 2
Author: SHAKESPEARE, William  Pages: 128p.

Title: Henry IV part 2
Author: SHAKESPEARE, William  Pages: 112p.