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Alita Battle Angel (Original title)
Dates: 2019 (Copyright), 2019 (Release)

Country: USA

Director: Robert Rodriguez

Synopsis: 2563. A scientist discovers a disembodied female cyborg with an alive and intact human brain while scavenging for parts in the massive scrapyard of Iron City. He rebuilds her and raises her as his daughter. When he is attacked one evening, she reacts to defend him with extreme force. As she explores the world the cyborg's past life is revealed.

Science Fiction, Action and Adventure

Date: 06 February 2019Country: United KingdomRelease type: TheatricalFormat: Digital Cinema Package (DCP) - Colour - Sound - Dolby AtmosAspect ratio: 2.35:1Runtime: 121 mins 51 secs - Dialogue (original): EnglishDistributor: 20th Century Fox International (UK)
Date: 14 February 2019Country: USARelease type: TheatricalFormat: Digital Cinema Package (DCP) - Colour - Sound - Dolby AtmosAspect ratio: 2.35:1Runtime: 122 mins Dialogue (original): EnglishDistributor: Twentieth Century Fox

Articles held in BFI Reuben Library (1)
In: Science fiction film and television v15 n1 Spring 2022  Pages: 111-113
Title: Alita: Battle AngelAuthor: Douglas, MuniyraArticle type: DVD ReviewLanguage: English
Description: Of Robert Rodriguez's 'Alita: Battle Angel' (2019).