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No Defence (Original title)
Date: 14 February 1980 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Clive Halls

Synopsis: Play centering on a rape trial.

Legal and Courtroom drama

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 14 February 1980Broadcast channel: BBC1Country: United KingdomTransmission time: 21:25-22:45Slot duration: 80 minsNetwork - Language: English - Colour - Sound

Credits (6)
Production Company: BBC TV, Producer: Innes Lloyd, Written by: Chris Kewbank, Lighting: John Green, Designer: Rochelle Selwyn
Cast (14)
Jonathan Newth (Andrew Pelham), Illona Linthwaite (Helen Lang), David Quilter (John Helps), Patrick Troughton (Judge Barnes-Ritchie), Sally Anne Newton (Janina Pelham), Michael Chesden (Germanou), Pat Quayle (usher), Lloyd Lamble (clerk of court), Diana Goodhand (Jane Armstrong), Diana Payan (Dr Ann Seymour), Peter Robinson (Edwin Armstrong), Peter Sproule (PC Harris), Spencer Banks (PC Knox), Prentis Hancock (Insp Barrett)