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Little Worlds (Original title)
Date: 04 July 2007 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Sally Hewitt

Synopsis: Series meeting dolls' house enthusiasts. 3 of 4: A Polish girl realises her dream of an upper-class life.

Series title:
3 Minute Wonder
TV Transmissions
Date: 04 July 2007Broadcast company: Channel FourCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 19:55-20:00Slot duration: 5 minsNetwork - Language: English - Colour - Sound - Stereo
Date: 04 June 2007not specified
Date: 04 July 2007not specified

Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(4)
Digital materials(2)
Description: MKVDuration: 00:03:20 minutesFFV1 v3 - BFI identifier: N-9782896
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Description: MKVDuration: 00:02:57 minutesFFV1 v3 - BFI identifier: N-9821805
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved digital file

Video materials(2)
Description: Digital BetacamDuration: 3.2 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALTX date: 2007-06-04BFI identifier: C-1456755
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved videotape

Description: Digital BetacamDuration: 2.57 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALTX date: 2007-07-04BFI identifier: C-1459548
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved videotape