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On the National Health 1936-1953 (Original title)How We Used to Live[17/02/82] (Alternative title)
Dates: 1981 (Copyright), 17 February 1982 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Synopsis: Episode that explains the previous system of paying for medical treatment and the new system under the NHS, the welfare State, National Insurance contributions, a land where the individual would be looked after from ' the cradle to the grave'.This episode also discusses the Berlin Airlift.

Educational film

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 17 February 1982Broadcast channel: ITVCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 11:39-12:00Runtime: 21 mins Network - Language: English - Colour - Sound

Credits (2)
Production Company: Yorkshire Television, Producer: Ian Fell
Cast (1)
Philip Batty (Edward)