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Portrait of an Artist Kinsley V. Messiter Part 1 (Original title)
Date: 07 February 1973 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Richard Doubleday

Shotlist: Two widely contrasting women in the life of a recently deceased painter clash over his last will. Brenda was his business manager and the chief beneficiary in a will he made a month before he died. Rose was his favourite model who was left everything in an even later will. The Court must decide which will should stand.

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 07 February 1973Broadcast channel: ITVCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 13:30-14:00Runtime: 30 mins Network - Language: English - Colour - Sound
Date: 07 February 1973not specified

Credits (6)
Production Company: Granada Television, Producer: Michael Dunlop, Researcher: Martin Weitz, Script: Peter Wildeblood, Designer: Knowles Bentley
Cast (12)
Dorothy Vernon (Helen Tate), Moira Redmond (Brenda Kingsley), Mary Healey (Rose Messiter), Charles Keating (James Elliot QC), Edward Jewesbury (Mr Justice Bragge), Edward Harvey (Mr Pascoe), Charlotte Mitchell (Heather Wynne), Tony Haygarth (Wally Colley), Derek Hockridge (associate), Joseph Berry (usher), James Lynch (jury foreman), Peter Wheeler (court reporter)
Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(1)
Video materials(1)
Description: 2-inch QuadruplexTX date: 1973-02-07BFI identifier: C-1003036
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved videotape