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Rampage (Original title)
Date: 1987 (Release)

Country: USA

Director: William Friedkin

Production company billing: [1:1.85]
Synopsis: Anthony Fraser is the assistant district attorney in charge of the major crimes division and is handed a grisly murder case by his boss with orders to go for the death penalty, although Fraser is morally against such a ruling.

Horror, Thriller
Articles held in BFI Reuben Library (4)
In: Sight and Sound v3 n11 November 1993  Page: 61
Title: [Sight and Sound - v3 n11 November 1993: no known title]Article type: NoteLanguage: English
Description: Video note

In: Cinefantastique v22 n2 October 1991  Page: 54
Title: [Cinefantastique - v22 n2 October 1991: no known title]Author: BIODROWSKI, Steve Article type: ReviewLanguage: English
Description: Brief review.

In: Screen International n587 14 Feb 1987  Page: 10
Title: [Screen International - n587 14 Feb 1987: no known title]Article type: CreditsLanguage: English
Description: Credits.

In: Variety 30 Sep 1987  Page: 20
Title: [Variety - 30 Sep 1987: no known title]Language: English

Books held in BFI Reuben Library (1)
Title: William Friedkin: films of aberration, obsession and reality
Author: CLAGETT, Thomas D  Pages: 302p.