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Fly about the House (Original title)
Date: 1949 (Release)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: John Halas, Joy Batchelor

Synopsis: Cartoon on the fly nuisance, showing the dangers of food contamination and how the dangers can be minimised by food-protection and cleanliness.

Date: 1949not specifiedRelease type: unknownFormat: 16mm Film - Colour - TechnicolorRuntime: 9 mins Length: 778 Feet

Credits (20)
A Halas and Batchelor cartoon: Halas & Batchelor, [For]: Central Office of Information, Ministry of Health, Production: John Halas, Joy Batchelor, Story: John Halas, Story: Joy Batchelor, Animation: R.E. Privett, Animation: Bill Taylor, Animation: Wally Crook, Vera Linnecar, Backgrounds: Jack Beaver, Editing: Jack King, [Designer]: John Halas, Joy Batchelor, Colour by: Technicolor, Music: Francis Chagrin, Logo [Sound System]: Western Electric Recording