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Dangerous Medicine (Original title)
Date: 1938 (Release)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Arthur Woods

Synopsis: A girl is sentenced to death for a murder she did not commit. On the way from the court she is badly injured in a car accident, her life is saved and the brilliant young surgeon and she run off together and finally force a confession from the real murderer.

Melodrama, Thriller
Date: 1938Country: United KingdomRelease type: unknownFormat: 35mm Film - Black and White - SoundRuntime: 73 mins Length: 6450 FeetDialogue (original): English

Credits (8)
Production Company: Warner Brothers First National Productions, Producer: Jerome J. Jackson, Screenplay: Paul Gangelin, Paul England, Based on the novel by: Edmond Deland, Photography: Basil Emmott, Studio: Teddington Studios
Cast (13)
Elizabeth Allan (Victoria Ainswell), Cyril Ritchard (Dr Noel Penwood), Edmond Breon (Totsie Mainwaring), Antony Holles (Alistair Hoard), Aubrey Mallalieu (judge), Basil Gill (Sir Francis), Leo Genn (Murdoch), Gordon McLeod (Mr Buller), Allan Jeayes (Superintendent Fox), Quinton McPherson (Dr Macomber), Frederick Burtwell (Mr George), Patch (dog), Dick Francis
Articles held in BFI Reuben Library (2)
In: Kinematograph Weekly n1633 4 Aug 1938
Title: [Kinematograph Weekly - n1633 4 Aug 1938: no known title]Language: English

In: Monthly Film Bulletin v5 n56 August 1938  Page: 196
Title: [Monthly Film Bulletin - v5 n56 August 1938: no known title]Language: English