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Selling Babies (Original title)
Date: 29 August 1996 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Synopsis: Current affairs programme investigating allegations that Mandy Allwood, the woman pregnant with eight babies after fertility treatment, could receive up to one million pounds for her story from the press, and questions the ethics not only of the newspapers involved, but also of the people cashing in on press interest in their private lives. Interviews with publicist Max Clifford, Dawn Griffiths (who sold her story when her baby was kidnapped), and Philip Ettinger (Personal Management Agent).

Multiple pregnancy, Chequebook journalism, Fertility drugs, Journalism

Series title:

TV Transmissions
Date: 29 August 1996Broadcast channel: ITVCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 19:30-20:00Runtime: 25 mins Network - Language: English - Colour - Sound

Credits (8)
Production Company: Twenty Twenty Television, Commissioning Company: Carlton UK Productions, Executive Producer: Claudia Milne, Executive Producer: Simon Berthon, Producer: Jill Robinson, Producer: Mark Rubens, Producer: Mark Lewis, Series Editor: Dorothy Byrne
Cast (2)
Dermot Murnaghan, Max Clifford