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The Knocker and The Naughty Boys (Original title)
Date: 1903 (Release)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Percy Stow

Synopsis: Comedy. A maid accidentally throws water on her mistress when boys knock on her door and run away.


Children, Jokes
Date: 1903Country: United KingdomRelease type: TheatricalFormat: not specified - Black and White - SilentRuntime: 0 mins 50 secs - Length: 50 FeetLanguage: English

Credits (2)
Production Company: Hepworth Manufacturing Company
Cast (1)
May Clark (maid)
Books held in BFI Reuben Library (1)
Title: British film catalogue: volume 1: fiction film, 1895-1994
Author: GIFFORD, Denis  Pages: xxii, 1097p.