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MYRKRAHØVDINGINN (Original title)MYRKRAHOFDINGINN (Alternative title)WITCHCRAFT (Alternative title)FLAMES OF PARADISE (Alternative title)
Date: 1999 (Release)

Countries: Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Germany

Director: Hrafn Gunnlaugsson

Production company billing: [Variety] An Icelandic Film Corp., Leiknar Myndir (Iceland)/Viking Film (Sweden)/Filmhuset (Norway)/Peter Rommel Filmproduktion (Germany) production. (International sales: Trust Film Sales, Hvidore, Denmark.)
Synopsis: Drama. A young priest in famine-ridden 17th century Iceland falls in love with a beautiful parishioner rather than the old widow of his predecessor, whom he must marry, as tradition dictates. In an attempt to rid his own mind of impure thoughts, he targets the young woman's father and brother as being involved in the art of witchcraft. The local sheriff has no option but to sentence the two men to death. The priest informs the young woman that they will be spared if she sleeps with him, leaving her to make a decision which would go against her beliefs.

Credits (21)
Production Company: Icelandic Film Corporation, Production Company: Leiknar Myndir, Production Company: Viking Film, Production Company: Filmhuset Norge, Production Company: Peter Rommel Productions, Producer: Fridrik Thór Fridriksson, Co-producer: Peter Rommel, Co-producer: Egil ÖdegÅrd, Co-producer: Bo Jonsson, Screenplay: Hrafn Gunnlaugsson, Screenplay: Bo Jonsson, Screenplay: Thorarinn Eldjarn, Director of Photography: Ari Kristinsson, Editor: Hrafn Gunnlaugsson, Editor: Skule Eriksen, Art Director: Odd Nerdrum, Art Director: Árni Páll Jóhannsson, Costume Designer: Olafur Egill Egilsson, Music: Hrafn Gunnlaugsson, Sound: Kjartan Kjartansson
Cast (7)
Hilmir Snær Gudnasson (Reverend Jon Magnusson), Sara Gogg Asgeirsdottir (Thuridur), Gudrun Kristin Magnusdottir (Thorkatla), Hallgrímur H. Helgason (Sheriff Magnus), Alexandra Rapaport (Christina), Jón Sigurbjörnsson (Pall Sr), Jon Tryggvason (Pall Jr)