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Lone Star Hate (Original title)
Date: 22 July 1997 (Television)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Paul Yule

Synopsis: Documentary about a killing and the homophobia that led to it. In small towns like Tyler, East Texas, intolerance towards homosexuals takes the form of regular violent assualts on middle-class gay men. On November 3rd 1993, young Nicholas West was abducted, tortured and brutally murdered by a gang. Three men were arrested for the killing and the three controversial trials which followed caused the whole town to reevaluate its views on guns, gays and God.


Homophobia, Gay (male), Texas, Middle class, Homosexuality

Series title:
True Stories
TV Transmissions
Date: 22 July 1997Broadcast channel: Channel FourCountry: United KingdomTransmission time: 21:00-22:30Runtime: 77 mins Network - Language: English - Colour - Sound - Stereo

Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(3)

Accessible materials to view(1)
Description: MP4BFI identifier: N-423937
Status: Viewing

Digital materials(2)
Description: 50I - LTO5Duration: 01:17:11 minutesD10 - BFI identifier: N-423936
Status: Master

Description: MP4BFI identifier: N-423937
Status: Viewing

Video materials(1)
Description: D3Duration: 77.11 minutesLine standard: 625Colour standard: PALTX date: 1997-07-22BFI identifier: C-946729
Status: Master - Restricted access to preserved videotape