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Industrial Britain (Original title)
Date: 1932 (Release)

Country: United Kingdom

[Director]: Robert Flaherty

Production company billing: ©[none] Gaumont British Picture Corporation Ltd. presents an E.M.B. film - distributed throughout the world by Gaumont British Distributors Ltd.
Synopsis: According to Paul Rotha, in his book "Documentary Diary" (p.278) additional footage for this film was shot by Basil Wright and Arthur Elton, with the whole being edited by Edgar Anstey and John Grierson. Production date 1931-32.Synopsis: A survey of industry in Britain emphasising the importance of craftsmanship. The arts and crafts that preceded the industrial revolution which depended on coal mined a mile below the surface. Glass blowing and glass being made for domestic and industrial use. In a steel foundry molten pig iron is poured into moulds. Erection of steel work for a new hotel in Marble Arch, London. Testing steel for use in aeroplane engines; the skill of craftsmen in machining. Goods being sent overseas on ships; these goods represent the work of thousands of skilled British workers.

Great Britain, Industries, trades and crafts, Mining, Coal, Glassware, Glass blowing, Foundries
Date: 1932Country: United KingdomRelease type: unknownFormat: 35mm Film - Black and White - SoundRuntime: 22 mins Length: 1920 FeetLanguage: English

Credits (12)
an E.M.B. film: Empire Marketing Board Film Unit, Presents: Gaumont-British Picture Corporation, Distributed throughout the world by: Gaumont British Distributors Ltd., Production: Grierson, Flaherty, [Photography]: Robert Flaherty, [Additional Photography]: Basil Charles Wright, Arthur Elton, [Editor]: Edgar Anstey, Sound System: British Acoustic Film, [Sound] Recorded at: Shepherd's Bush Studios
Cast (1)
Donald Calthrop ([Commentator])